Thursday, April 26, 2012

shine on me

Do you have a favorite time of day? Sunset is one of my favorite times of day because no two sunsets are the same. Even though they mean our day is coming to an end, their beauty outweighs the negatives. For some reason sunsets give me a feel of warmth and coziness. Now that the weather has warmed up I enjoy them even more. The change in weather means there will be more opportunities  to play outside or enjoy a meal on the grill.

Every evening this is my view when I get home. The times we are preparing for a storm can be scary. You can see the storm a brewing and honestly never know what to expect. Living up on the hill has its benefits but man do we get hit hard by the wind. I wouldn't trade this view for anything!

We've been so blessed with a mild winter but as it happens there are some tradeoffs. Just this spring alone we have found 6 ticks. In the entire time we have lived here, a little over 10 years we have only found 1! Just tonight we pulled one out of Jack's ear that was not there last night. Ever since we grabbed that one this evening I can not stop itching and feeling around for my phantom tick. Time for me to hit the showers! This summer will be heavy on the bugs. Please pass the mayo.

Have a great evening!

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